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Fasco J238-150 Replacement Motor

Posted by Amos on Apr 7th 2022

Fasco J238-150 Replacement Motor

Details of the Fasco Draft Inducer:

Fasco Furnace Draft Inducer / Exhaust Vent Venter Motor - OEM Replacement

Description Item # SPM11626525730 Model # Replaces FASCOJ238150

J238-150 - FASCO Furnace Draft Inducer / Exhaust Vent Venter Motor - OEM Replacement - This is a Brand New OEM Furnace Replacement Inducer Motor Kit

Replacement for Fasco - J238-150 - FASCO Furnace Draft Inducer / Exhaust Vent Venter Motor - OEM Replacement This is a Brand New OEM Furnace Replacement Inducer Motor Kit

How to Replace a Bathroom Fan Motor

If your bathroom fan is producing a buzzing sound and is barely stirring the air, or failing to run at all, this is an indication that you need to replace the motor. In most households, these Broan fans are small units that are easy to remove and take apart without having to know or do any form of electrical work. After removing the part using this quick DIY procedure, you can take a closer look to check if there is any other problem with your fan. Always use the model number to order a replacement motor.



Safety glasses

Flathead screwdriver

Philips screwdriver

A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or compressed air

Soapy water

How to Remove an Old Fasco Bathroom Fan

1. Put on protective gear such as eye protection and safety goggles to prevent falling dust from entering your eyes. Then turn the circuit breaker off as well as the main power supply to your unit. Powering off the fan at the circuit box should protect you in case there are any faulty wiring or accidents. If you are unable to access the circuit breaker, you can protect yourself by turning off the local switch that powers the fan. If the fan is inaccessible and you need a ladder, always ensure that the ladder is completely stable before climbing it.

2. Remove the grille cover from over the fan. Reach around the edge and feel for a pair of flexible metal rods, then pinch them together to release them from their slots. Free the grille by removing it. If you are unable to remove the grille, look for the screws that are holding the Broan fan grille down. The screws might be hidden under the Broan fan grille and can be accessed through the vent slots.

3. In Broan units that are combination fan and light fixtures, wait for a few minutes for the light bulb to cool down. This should enable you to gain access to a screw or nut that has been used to hold the whole Fasco fan motor assembly in place. Remove the assembly and then proceed to read and follow the troubleshooting instructions.

4. Unplug the wire that is on the fan housing. The power cord and outlet should be visible on most home bathroom fans as soon as you remove the grille. This looks like an ordinary electrical cord or just a few wires attached to a plastic clip.

5. Whichever form it comes in, disconnect it from the power outlet. If the wire in your model is inaccessible on your model, you can then remove the fan to get in contact with your wall wiring. At this point, ensure that the power is off at the circuit box and not just at the bathroom switch.

6. Remove the mounting bracket if there is any. It would be in your favor if the fan and motor are both held in place behind a metal bracket that screws to the rest of the housing. It is recommended that you unscrew this bracket on either side of the housing for optimum results. Pull the bracket out of the housing together with the fan motor and impeller that is attached to it. Proceed to test the motor’s functionality.

7. In the absence of a bracket, you have to unscrew the entire plate. The motor is a small bathroom fan that usually sits on a plate that is held in place by one or more screws. Start by unscrewing them. If your fan is a high-output one, you might see only one large plastic unit held in place by several screws. Unscrew them and then remove the whole unit from the housing.

8. If you are unable to access the motor from the inside, look for the model number. The model number should be stamped on the unit and order a replacement for the whole piece. Use a flathead screwdriver to release the plate and lever out the tabs. Once you have removed the screws, only a couple of tabs remain to hold your appliance in place. Look for the metal tabs that are located around the edges of the hole. Pry the tabs out using a flathead screwdriver. Pull out the whole plate together with the fan blades and the motor that is attached to it.

9. If none of the information above matches the description of your fan, you might have a model that is a lot less common. Look for any additional clips, screws or other fasteners that have been used to hold the motor in place. Some of the available motor assemblies need to be rotated by hand before you can pull them out.

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