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Hansgrohe Kitchen Faucet Manual: Removing and Installing

Photo from Hansgrohe

How to remove a
Hansgrohe Kitchen Faucet

1. Shut off the main water supply.

2. Shut off the valves that are located under the sink. Using a wrench, unfasten the bolts that are attaching the cold and hot water lines to the faucet handle stems.

3. Remove the water lines by pulling them off the faucet.

How to remove a Two-Handle Hansgrohe Kitchen Faucet with a separate sprayer

1. Turn off the water supply by shutting the valves off. Using a wrench, loosen the nuts that are secured to the hot and cold water lines of the
faucet handle. Remove the water lines by pulling them off the faucet.

2. Pry off the hose by lifting it off the faucet. For those Hansgrohe faucets that have a connection to the sprayer hose; you can compress the ring with your fingers and pull it down in order to remove the hose from the faucet.

3. Using a pair of slip-joint pliers, remove the nuts located on the faucet handle stem. Remove the washers off the faucet handle.

4. The C-clips are located at the center of the faucet stem, near the countertop. With a flathead screwdriver, pry out the C-clip and remove any remaining washers from the center of the faucet.

5. Detach the faucet and pull out sprayer hose from the counter.

How to remove a Hansgrohe Single-Handle Kitchen Faucet with a Pull-Out Sprayer

1. Shut off the main water supply. Remove the supply hoses by using a wrench to remove the nuts which connect the supply hoses to the faucet.

2. Disconnect the sprayer hose by grabbing the end of the ring, and pull it towards the end of the connector. Pull down the hose from the faucet to remove it.

3. Using slip-joint pliers, remove the faucet nut and the spacer that is secured from the faucet to the sink counter.

4. Remove the sprayer hose, the sprayer head, and the entire faucet.

How to install a Hansgrohe kitchen faucet

1. First, install the friction washer. Then, install the metal washer, and then the mounting nut. Tighten the mounting nut to secure it in place and fasten the screws.

2. Install the hose weight to the faucet. Test the hand spray hose to check the functionality—if it does not retract smoothly, reposition the hose weight.

3. Use two wrenches to connect the hot and cold supply hoses. Make sure the supply hoses do not twist, since this may affect the water flow and temperature. Remove the sprayhead and the filter from the faucet.

4. Install the water filter securely inside the handspray hose. Lightly lubricate the hose’s o-ring to avoid friction. Install the handspray, and tighten the hose nut to secure it in place.

Experience the beauty of water with premium bathroom and kitchen products by Hansgrohe. Find more Hansgrohe products here!

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