Eon ECM Motor 3/4 hp
The RHEEM 51-104305-19 is a 0.75 horsepower, Econo Mylar split capacitor (ESC) condenser motor. It has an efficiency rating of 94% at 115/230 volt and 60Hz. The Eon ECM motor 3/4 hp comes with a 2 year warranty.
This is a 3/4 hp, 110–120 volt, ECM (Econoa llcognition Motor, the most efficient indoor fan motor available. You can see it in action in the Energy Snapshot or just visit Rheem's website to check out the video. The Eon ECM Motor is designed for thermal protection.
The Rheem Eon ECM motor is one of the best ways to save money on energy bills. Quieter and more efficient than traditional single-speed compressors, a variable speed ECM motor can lower your electricity use by up to 20%. It's also easy to install with existing starting components. This Rheem 51-104305-19 Eon 3/4 hp ECM Motor for Air Conditioning and Heat Pump SystemsRheem Variable Speed ECM Motors are designed for use in air conditioning and heat pump systems
The Eon ECM motor combines the proven reliability of Rheem's legendary ECM motors with an EPA certified, electronically commutated permanent magnet rotor in a typically undersized package. The Eon ECM motor offers over 60% energy savings and an impressive 10 year warranty (compared to Rheem's standard 7 year warranty), all while maintaining the standards of quality and reliability you have come to expect from Rheem.
Built to the exacting standards of Ruud, Rheem's energy efficient, ECM™ motor delivers quiet, reliable performance year after year. The Eon® ECM Motor is designed for all types of air conditioners and heat pumps.
The RHEEM eXtreme Efficiency ECM Motor is designed to operate in variable conditions, such as heat and humidity. It has the lowest operating cost of any motor in the industry and lasts up to three times longer than a standard 1/2 horsepower motor. It is an excellent choice for both new air conditioning and heating equipment or for existing units looking to replace older motors.
With a built in electronic control module, RHEEM's ECM motor runs smoother than ever. Designed for new construction, RHEEM ECM motors offer efficiency right out of the box.